20 people who went a bit nuts with their home renovations

Believe it or not, your home’s interior design has a huge impact on its overall cost. This is one good reason why people who are planning on enlisting their houses for sale invest a good amount of money just to make their properties look more appealing to potential buyers. They renovate bathrooms, repaint the entire house, and replace broken fixtures.

Unfortunately, some people aren’t aware of it. They design their homes without thinking about its impact on its cost or other people’s opinion.

If you are planning on redecorating your home, check out these 20 awful mistakes people made when designing their houses.

1. Creepy powder room

There’s nothing comfortable about this powder room. The wallpaper and even the sink feel really creepy. You wouldn’t want to stay inside it for a long time- that’s for sure.

2. A fancy (but weird) bathroom

This is definitely one fancy room. With the kitchenette just a few steps away from the jacuzzi, you’ll be able to grab a hot snack while taking a relaxing bath. The idea feels a bit weird but it sounds good, right?

3. The cellar

There are so many things going on in this picture and it’s hard to understand each of them. Even the people in the painting can’t stand it.

4. A pool on the balcony

The pandemic has forced a lot of people to stay at home. As a result, more people came up with absurd ideas to entertain themselves and this guy is definitely one of them. And the worst part? Apart from being absurd, what he did was unsafe, too!

5. Watch your step!

Getting in and out of this tub won’t be easy. One wrong step and you could end up in the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital.

6. The toilet that forces you to take a bath

If you’re not comfortable getting your feet wet while peeing, you shouldn’t visit this home. There’s no way you can pee without stepping in the tub. Plus, if you’re going to use the sink, you have to be strong and flexible enough to get over the glass dividers.

7. Yes, that’s hair.

Where did this person get so much hair? More importantly, why did he put them on the stairs? It seriously looks creepy.

8. Just awkward

Butterflies are beautiful. Just make sure you don’t put them on your toilet seat. Pooping with insects doesn’t seem really comfortable.

9. No more cold showers

Some people find cold showers uncomfortable and the person who owns this place is probably one of them. With a fireplace built in his shower room, he can always enjoy hot water.

10. Yes, that’s a door.

They’ve probably run out of windows to use on the second floor so they installed a door instead. Let’s just hope that it’s always locked.

11. A colorful mess

It’s hard not to feel dizzy when looking at this room. It’s visually overwhelming.

12. Farm in the city

Living in the city can be stressful. That’s probably one of the reasons why this person chose to have a farm painted on his walls. He’s got everything there- animals included!

13. When you see it

At first glance, you’d think that there’s nothing wrong with this room. In fact, it’s nice. However, when you take a close look at the curtains, you’d find something odd there.

14. Black mold

Most homeowners would spend hundreds of dollars just to get rid of black mold. For some reason, this person loves it. In fact, he’s designed his home with black mold. What an odd choice!

15. Who’s that?

If this was a small lamp, it would have been alright to keep it in the living room. But 7 feet? This lamp is scary to have in any living space. It’s like having someone watching you all the time.

16. Close to nature

Being outdoors offers so many benefits. This homeowner probably knows all of them so he decided to take nature into his home.

17. The look on these dog’s faces

Even the dogs looked confused. Why would anyone consider designing their kitchen after the Rubik’s Cube?

18. On the wall

Yes, that’s a dishwasher on the wall. Why is there? No one really knows except for the owner.


It’s hard to tell the pieces separately. Everything’s covered in floral pattern. It seems that the owner really loves flowers.

20. Fishing, anyone?

You’ll never get bored when you’re in this toilet. You can watch the fishes as you poop.

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Source: Instagram-pleasehatethesethings, My Move
