Girl teaches and art class for her cats – and the kitties are the epitome of model students

girl teaches cats

These days we’re all adjusting to a new way of doing things, school included. Many kids are out of the classroom and at home learning. While some kids may find this a little boring, other kids are making the most of this situation as it can present a whole new set of challenges. But, one little girl in Brazil has found a way to put some fun into it.

Meet Clarinha. She has taken on the role of teacher, and her students, well they’re not what you’d think. They are rather new to the learning scene.

girl teaches cats
Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes Source: Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes

No one said that students had to be humans, especially when you’re homeschooling. This little girl is making sure her cats are getting the education they deserve while she’s home. She’s sat them in chairs, just like real students. As you see they are sitting at attention because they’re taking their lesson very seriously, as is their teacher.

They also don’t dare talk back to their teacher. They’re as quiet as can be! They know Clarinha means business. Would dogs be as attentive?

The lesson of the day is art and these cats have all the tools they need to create a feline-tastic masterpiece! She has created a lesson about how to draw a flower. That’s something cats should be interested in, right?

girl teaches cats
Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes Source: Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes

The teacher is also very prepared with a chalkboard and all the tools she needs to get her students engaged and working.

Do you wonder what these cats are thinking?

girl teaches cats
Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes Source: Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes

They appear to be engaged in their lesson, although they wouldn’t receive an “A” for class participation. They seem to be just taking it all in, not even picking up a crayon or marker. I wonder what the teacher thinks about that?

The teacher doesn’t care though. She continues her lesson on the chalkboard, trying to get her students motivated.

girl teaches cats
Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes Source: Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes

She even goes up to one of her students to see if he’s paying attention. She doesn’t get a response, so she goes back to teaching. This girl certainly has the passion, creativity, and the drive to be a teacher one day.

girl teaches cats
Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes Source: Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes

This video is so cute to watch because the cats look so attentive and the little girl is treating them like real students. Although the cats may have not really taken part in the lesson, this little girl should get an “A” for creativity.

She is certainly thinking out of the box and is making the most out of her time at home. How many other kids do you know who have created a kitty classroom? Although she only has two students, she is treating this like a real classroom situation and we love it! We wonder if her cats will tell their friends what they learned in class.

girl teaches cats
Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes Source: Youtube Screenshot/central mems e informacoes

Clarinha and her cats are certainly popular. This video has already gotten close to two-thousand views in the first two weeks it was up. We can definitely see why.

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Source: central mems e informacoes
