Man is adorably "attacked" by golden retriever puppies

Many a movie and book have been written about the precision and cunning of a wolf-pack. It is easy to forget that the dogs we breed are descended from these beasts. When forgotten, things happen that nobody can anticipate.

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“Wild” pack of golden retriever puppies attack man with licks and floppy ears.

In the following video, a vicious pack of golden retriever puppies causes cuteness overload as they succumb to their pack instincts and reduce an unsuspecting man to a pile of fluff and wet noses.

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These puppies use their pack instincts to take down an unsuspecting man.

What we see is classic pack behavior. As the gate is opened the little dogs are not fully aware of who their target is. After looking ahead and seeing a man on the ground, the pack leader hones in on his target.

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It only takes one puppy to lead to pack to a new cuddle target.

When the pack leader sees the man, the entire pack moves like a cohesive unit in order to jump on the already grounded man. The twelve puppies know that they are irresistible and use it to their advantage.

Wolves may want meat from their prey but these puppies just want to be petted.

As the pack runs towards the man on the ground, you almost have to look away as you know what comes next. Irresistible petting. No human on the planet has been proven to be able to resist the onslaught of 3+ puppies. This man was viciously attacked with 12.

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With butt-wagging and wet noses, they succeed in their mission.

Wolves have a success rate of 14% in their hunts. These puppies? Almost 100%. It turns out that humans are being exploited by these little pups for their food, cuddles, and hugs.

At the peak of their hunting prowess.

It is said that wolves reach their hunting peak at around 3 years old. While related, it appears that golden retrievers reach their peak human hunting age at 7 weeks old.

At 7 weeks old, these puppies are slaying machines.

There are few things cuter than puppies… and these ones seem to know it.

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Thinking that playing dead will stop the onslaught, the man soon realizes his mistake.

When the puppies converge on the man, he sustains the cuteness overload for some time. Thinking that it could save him, he lays down, hoping to play dead. It works for bears, right?

Undeterred, the puppies continue in their attack on their owner.

Playing dead only served to bring more puppies running back from the stairs they were falling over. After seeing their owner lay down, it renewed their vigor!

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Edna Valley Golden Retrievers is the place where these cute pups are bred and raised.

Having the bloodlines of champions, Edna Valley Golden Retrievers know what they are doing when it comes to breeding these cuties.

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Sometimes a pack of puppies is exactly the kind of medicine you need.

Maybe a pack of puppies terrorizing you with wet noses and wagging butts is just the thing the doctor called for. Who wouldn’t want to experience that? Aside from the occasional “pack-attack”, maybe being a puppy breeder isn’t the worst job in the world, especially if you need to relieve some stress.

Check out the video below to see a man reduced to laughing and crying after a ruthless attack on him by a pack of 12 puppies.

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Source: Animal Channel, Kim Wurster
