Groomer starts de-shedding Husky and the entire room fills with fur

It really is nice having a dog around. The house seems happier, the family in better spirits, and there’s just way more antics to laugh about.

Welcoming a dog does take a lot of work, patience, and love. First time dog owners can be overwhelmed by all the information on ownership but it does come with the territory. (no pun intended)

There are dog breeds who require special and attention, either because of their personalities, grooming issues, or even medical needs.

So doing a lot of research before adopting or buying a dog is definitely a must.

Take for example double-coated dogs, who require a lot more grooming than you think. Shorter coated breeds meanwhile can get away with simple bath time.

Dogs with double coats should be de-shed seasonally. That keeps them comfortable, happy, and healthy. Not to mention you won’t have to be sweeping fur off the floor all the time.

Seems pretty simple but ask any dog owner just how messy the process can be.

Time to meet Akino.

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Akino the husky, like all huskies, need their coats maintained. So he made his way to his groomer like he always does, but this time the groomer thought of sharing the process.

Hence why Akino is on video delighting dog lovers all over the internet.

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Akino gets his de-shedding every four to six months, depending on how quickly that fur grows.

The groomer said, “He is a sweetheart that loves the process.”

And indeed, like all good dogs, Akino is just a big goofball entertaining many viewers and he didn’t even know it.

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Akino gets step one of a de-shed process, a process which actually consists of 8 steps. That’s really a lot of steps for a dog’s coat but it comes with the breed and the ownership experience.

The de-shedding begins and Akino’s fluffy fur fills the room. Almost like cotton candy except it won’t taste good. But he is cute though!

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A lot of dogs, especially huskies since they can be so naughty, don’t really like being groomed. They will not stay still especially with strangers around.

Akino, though he is a husky, looks to be loving the whole process. He stands there with his tongue out like a dog from a cartoon. He doesn’t care at all!

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It’s such a cute video that it’s gotten 1,264,808 views!

A viewer named Tiny Gypsy shared an experience saying,

“I brushed my husky in the backyard on a windy day. And all the grass was covered in a layer of fur. It looked like a bunch of spiderwebs all over lol. Lots happy birds with warm nests though.”

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Huskies are super cute but they do have tons of energy. These dogs are known to escape from their homes all because they want to run around the neighborhood.

But Akino seems to be a very laid back version of his breed. And he is just the cutest!

Watch his hilarious video at the groomer’s below!

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Source: ViralHog, The Animal Rescue Site
