12-year-old kids perform awesome Guns N' Roses cover in their garage

If you ask most kids what they want to be when you grow up, you’ll get all kinds of answers. Some will want to be teachers, police officers, doctors, or scientists, while some will dream of being famous movie actors or sporting heroes.
Then, there are the kids who want to be rock stars!
Usually dressed in their favorite band tees and spending most of their time with headphones in their ears and guitars slung over their shoulders, these kids look up to the legends of rock like Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and AC/DC, and a few young rockers were captured on camera performing their very own garage concert for neighbors and friends in New Orleans.

Led by guitarist James Stratton, the pre-teen musicians are introduced standing side-by-side in one of their garages, which has been fitted out with loudspeakers, instruments, and lights for the full concert effect.
A huge crowd is gathered out on the street, admiring the little rockers as they finish up their last track and get ready to launch into the next.
That’s when Stratton, who was only 12 years old at the time, steps forward and sends the crowd into a frenzy as he plays the opening riff to the classic Guns N’ Roses track, Sweet Child O’ Mine.

It’s one of those songs that almost anyone can recognize from those first few seconds, and everyone starts cheering when they hear it!
Despite being just 12, Stratton does an amazing job at pulling off the riff like a pro.
Then, after the intro is complete, it’s time for the vocalist to show off what he can do!

Imitating the famous Axl Rose is no easy task, especially for a kid, but this young singer does an awesome job!
He’s got a great voice, really nailing some of the tougher notes and totally capturing the authentic, hard rock feel of this incredible song.
Meanwhile, Stratton and the other members of the group support him in style with groovy guitars and banging drums.

Members of the crowd can be spotted stepping forward and pouring money into the band’s donation bucket as the song continues.
They totally earned every single dollar with such a phenomenal performance, and it only gets better as it goes on!
About halfway through, we get another awesome treat as Stratton steps right up to the camera for a close-up view of his crazy guitar skills.

Stratton pulls off the whole guitar solo in style, leading to screams and cheers from the gathered crowd.
Slash himself would be proud of this young shredder, and everyone seems enthralled by the band’s professional-level talents.
When the song finally comes to a close, everyone is cheering, clapping, and yelling in admiration at these cool kids. The crowd got so huge and excited that cops eventually had to be called to calm people down and break up the party.

The clip was shared on YouTube on Stratton’s own account. He was 12 back then but is 17 now.
He’s no longer performing with the kids from the clip but is still making music, sharing songs on Instagram and his YouTube channel.
He’s done some terrific Van Halen and Bruce Springsteen covers that are totally worth checking out, and we’re excited to see what he comes out with next! In the meantime, more than 4 million people have enjoyed this garage concert clip and you can join the fun by watching it in the player below.
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Source: Stratton James, Instagram