Little girl shares a unique theory about Mary’s first Christmas and has everyone cracking up

There are lots of beliefs about Christmas and therefore a lot of disagreement. Christians use the holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, born in a manger of a virgin after she and her husband were turned away by multiple people on their way to Bethlehem.

To be more historically accurate, Christmas is a combination of this celebration mapped on top of the ancient Roman Saturnalia – a feast of the winter solstice. Christian missionaries – spreading the “good news” – had an easier time converting the Romans to Christianity if they melded together familiar traditions with new stories.

In any case, most of us celebrate what we want however we want on December 25th.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

For kids, the holiday is something else altogether considering the toy fest it’s become.

Comedian and talk show host Jimmy Kimmel decided to do a segment back in 2016 on just how many kids knew anything at all about the story of Christmas and sent a correspondent out to the streets of New York to ask some young ones.

Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

“Christmas is a lot of fun for most people but especially for kids. Kids love Christmas, they love the presents, they love the candy canes… really mostly they love the presents! But I wonder if they know why we celebrate this day, so we went out on the street and we asked children to tell us the story of Christmas.”

Here are some of their hilarious answers:

Who was born on Christmas?

This little guy thinks for a moment before he comes up with “Jack.”

Not just any old Jack:

“Jack the skeleton guy.”

Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

We’re impressed – he’s pretty young to have seen The Nightmare Before Christmas! And we were betting he was going to go with Santa.

To be fair, Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas either. Neither the gospels of Luke nor Matthew mention when Jesus was born and other details – such as shepherds grazing their flocks at the time – seem to indicate it wasn’t in winter.

Who was the Virgin Mary?

A little girl asked about the most important female figure in Christianity had an interesting response to her identity.

“She was Jesus’ aunt.”

Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

Hmm. We don’t recall an aunt, but that’s ok.

The best part is that when asked who Jesus’ cousin was (after all, the Virgin Mary had a child) she responds: “Mike.”

Now that one we can’t explain.

Who was Joseph?

Now, to be fair, Joseph plays a supporting role in the whole birth of Christ thing, so maybe it’s not that surprising that kids don’t have his story quite right. But you absolutely have to hear this little girl’s explanation of Mary’s husband because it sounds like a high school drama after Mary starts “going with God.” Like, in a dating way.

Pxhere Source: Pxhere

Ok, now it’s not all off-base.

To be fair, lots of very little kids know quite a bit about the immaculate conception, the trip through the desert, and visit of the three wise men. And the way they tell it is not to be missed!

Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

Santa does make an appearance in some explanations, however. You know, the part where he picks up baby Jesus and takes him to a tree (presumably a Christmas tree).

Flickr Source: Flickr

Of course, these kids’ hilarious answers aren’t their fault. Adults themselves have a hard time reconciling the various Christmas traditions – and that’s because they come from a handful of different cultures, including the Germanic Yule festival.

Nevertheless, these are some pretty adorable kids trying to explain their way through Christmas.

Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

If you want to hear more about how the Virgin Mary left out cookies for Santa, be sure to scroll down below to see the adorable interviews.

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Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live via YouTube
