According to science being left-handed makes you quite exceptional

Are you a left-handed person?

Pexels - Mikhail Nilov Source: Pexels - Mikhail Nilov

In as early as 15 months, signs of whether a child is left-handed or right-handed can already be seen. When babies eat with their hands or try to write anything on the wall, adults around them can already figure out if the child will be lefty or not.

Although being left-handed isn’t a bad thing, some people attempt to change it in young children.

Pexels - ANTONI SHKRABA production Source: Pexels - ANTONI SHKRABA production

Most people in the world are right-handed, and sometimes being left-handed can be considered different.

While being left-handed is not usual, this does not mean that it’s not beneficial at all. It actually has some perks that right-handed people do not get to enjoy!

Before those benefits, it is good to know that left-handed people are said to be individuals who use the right side of their brains. And because our brains are cross-wired, this would mean that lefties are imaginative, have a great 3D perception, are musically inclined and talented, and are also artsy and insightful.

Various prominent names in history are left-handed people.

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There are, in fact, famous names in history who are left-handed individuals. Pablo Picasso, Ludwig Van Beethoven, and Bill Gates are only some of these people.

In modern art and show business, well-known musicians and actors who are lefties are Bob Dylan, Angelina Jolie, and Nicole Kidman to name a few.

Sports and athletics are also platforms where lefties excel.

Pexels - Mark Milbert Source: Pexels - Mark Milbert

If you are in love with playing baseball, then you would probably be glad to know that left-handed players have a certain advantage in the game. This is not the only sport where lefties shine through.

Some of the sports where lefties are known to succeed are boxing, tennis, fencing, and even swimming. One of the most well-known names in boxing history is Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao who is, you guessed it, another leftie!

Art and innovation is also a field that left-handed people are good at.

Pexels - John Diez Source: Pexels - John Diez

As shared by the American Journal of Psychology in their research, lefties are actually good at thinking divergently. They are insightful and artful as well, mostly because of their better perception of things in 3D and their creativity.

Speaking of insight, leaders usually are full of this. So, that must be why eight U.S. Presidents are left-handed!

Pixabay - 271277 Source: Pixabay - 271277

James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are all well-known lefties.

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Multi-tasking is easy when you are a lefty.

According to the study made by the Illinois Research Consortium in 2008, right-handed and left-handed people have different ways of acting on tasks. Basically, left-handed individuals solve problems as a whole, while right-handed folks break down problems into steps and solve them one by one.

You see, your being left-handed is not a bad thing. In fact, there is even a special day for you!

August 13 is International Left-handed Day, and if you are one of these people then congratulations because you are part of the rare group that makes up 15% of the world’s population.

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If your child is showing signs of being left-handed, there is no need to worry or try and change it. Being a lefty is as normal as being a right-handed person. Cherish it because it’s a part of who they are.

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Source: Leftyfretz, Made for Mums, My Positive Outlooks
