Dog cracks up the audience when he completely loses the plot at an agility competition

Lobo is a beautiful – dare we say even majestic – Siberian Husky. And he’s no doubt well-trained too, otherwise he would never have found himself at the Westminster Kennel Club’s 2020 agility competition.

But just because you invest time in teaching a dog to run an obstacle course and school him on concentration doesn’t mean he’s going to follow through. He’s an animal – and he knows nothing is really at stake for him.
Instinct, curiosity, boredom, and wondering just what’s up on that ledge will trump training sometimes.
And that’s exactly what happened when Lobo made his showing on this year’s agility course.

To be fair, his performance was epic. He shocked the judges, brought smiles to the faces of everyone watching, and made that course his own. It’s just that he did it in the “bad” way, at least score-wise.
But if there were points for being charmingly off-script, Lobo would be the champion.
Alas, he did not win this year’s 24-inch agility competition. (24 inches refers to the size of the animal between its withers, which is the ridge between their shoulder blades.)
While the video of his performance is only a few weeks old, it has already been viewed over 1.6 million times – and we imagine some of those are repeat viewings because it’s just too funny.

As Lobo and his handler Adam Davis are introduced, the dog looks ready to take on the world. And he does master that first jump…before making a bee-line for the cameraman.
The crowd clutches its collective pearls – Lobo will not be a champion.
But he does get back on track, just in time to fail again during the pole weave.
He’s not only slow, but he looks like someone failing a sobriety test as he makes his way (mostly) through.

But his training kicks in every now and then as he darts towards the next test, mastering some with grace and power.

Lobo isn’t in a hurry, which is a problem when you’re scored on time and faulted for distractions.
The commentators quickly realize that the Husky is pure comic relief. There’s one every year.
And while he’s not going home with a trophy, he is stealing the heart of even the most prim and proper dog show fan.
It’s clear that Lobo could easily complete all of the obstacles – if he wanted to. But he doesn’t. He’s a Husky and he’ll do whatever he darn well pleases, including stopping to sniff something that belongs to one of the line judges on his way to the next feat of agility.
Even after Lobo exceeds the time to beat with multiple faults, he continues. But he does not care.

He even stops on the see-saw as if he’s never been on one before.

Husky owners were not even remotely surprised by the display:
“One of the fastest and most durable dog breeds in the world, also the most stubborn form of life since the dawn of time,” joked one person.
To be fair, Lobo does finish. He’s even panting a bit from the effort.
With the time penalties that come with his faults, Lobo finishes a mere 90ish seconds slower than the current first-place competitor. That’s not a lot – until you realize that dog finished in a mere 46 seconds.
But Lobo won the key to our hearts. Sadly, there’s no cash prize for that.

Be sure to scroll down below to see Lobo on the loose at the 2020 Westminster Agility Competition.
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Source: Fox Sports via YouTube,