Man builds full life-size replica of Noah’s ark

The story of Noah’s Ark is one of the oldest and most well-known in the bible. And while not everyone takes seriously the story of a man building an ark to save the animals of the world and a few select humans from a life-ending flood, Dutch businessman Johan Huibers did.

Huibers had a bright idea to build an ark

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It all began when Huibers told the story to his children before bed one night. It was then that he was inspired to build an ark himself. Of course, his wife was more than hesitant about the idea. But an idea is nothing without action, and so Huibers decided to take the steps necessary to build an ark.

Huibers starts small

He started by building a half-sized version of the ark. This ark took him about 14 years to build, and when it was finished, he knew that he could build a full-size version. Another reason he wanted to build a full-size ark was a nightmare he had at 24-years old. In the nightmare, Holland had suffered from a major flood.

Next, Huibers sets his sights on a much bigger project

Following the instruction in the Old Testament of the Bible, he enlisted the aid of some amateur carpenters who were interested in helping him tackle the massive task of building a full-size ark. Costing $1.6 million to build, Huibers was able to build the second ark in only four years.

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When all was said and done, the finished ship stood about 75-feet tall, which came out to the size of a five-story building. It was also 95 feet wide and 410 feet long and weighed in an at astounding 2500 tons. Inside, Huibers estimates that the ship can hold about 5,000 humans.

The ark becomes a tourist destination

Soon after it was built, the ark became a tourist attraction. Later on, the town in which Huibers lives came into a disagreement with the businessman and his family, and the ark was closed as a tourist destination.

Huibers make plans to take the ark abroad

His next idea for the ark was to sail it to Brazil for the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Unfortunately, Huibers was unable to make that happen. Next, he had an idea to sail to Israel. Wildfires in the country at the time prevented that from happening, but he has never given up hope in doing so.

Of course, the ark has no method of propulsion of its own, relying on the aid of tugboats to pull it along. The price tag for sailing to Israel is also equally high and will cost an estimated $1.3 million to make it a reality. Huibers is currently looking for donations to pay these costs.

The ark and his plans to sail it to Israel just go to show Huibers’ devotion to this endeavor and his faith in God.

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Sources: YouTube – Euronews, 12 Tomatoes
