Baby meerkats born at zoo for first time 72 years – mommy poses for photo with proud smile

Babies are simply adorable. Whether they are human babies or animal ones, they’re sure to melt your heart.

There’s something so wonderful about watching something so young grow into their own unique version of themselves. It’s also heartwarming to see babies coddle up to their mama for comfort and support.

One new mama is experiencing the joys of being one firsthand. An 8-year-old meerkat named Yam Yam recently gave birth to a pair of baby meerkats at Zoo Miami. But what makes their arrival so exciting is that the zoo hasn’t had a meerkat give birth in 72 years.
Zoo Miami Source: Zoo Miami

That’s quite some time. No wonder why this little family is getting so much attention.

Zoo Miami is the oldest zoo in Florida and is the fifth-largest zoo in the United States. Needless to say, this zoo has quite a history and the birth of these two meerkats is now part of it.
Zoo Miami Source: Zoo Miami

The father of the two adorable babies is uncertain but is definitely one of the three meerkat brothers that share the exhibit with Yam Yam. Luckily, the zoo is taking a hands-off approach and is allowing for the adult meerkats to rear up the babies themselves.

The staff is also keeping the meerkats away from visitors at the zoo by “creating barriers” to allow for the meerkats to prosper and not feel stressed.
Zoo Miami Source: Zoo Miami

The staff told NBC 6 Miami, “Zoo staff had a hands-off approach to allow the group to properly bond with the infants and created barriers in front of the public side of the exhibit to minimize any disturbances that may cause excess stress on the new family and lead to abandonment of the babies.”

These two baby meerkats are being protected and provided for by all those involved. Even the three meerkat brothers, Diego, Gizmo, and Joe, are playing significant roles in raising the young.
Zoo Miami Source: Zoo Miami

Meerkats are very social animals. They live in large groups amongst other meerkats called mobs. And just like the meerkats in the zoo, they all play an important role in their families.

When people hear the word meerkat, they often envision the heads of these small animals popping up over the grass and attentively looking into the distance. Well, you wouldn’t be wrong. Meerkats have a designated lookout in their community to keep an eye out for danger.
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Not only are these animals social, but they are quite smart.

If the meerkat spots any signs of danger, it barks to the others to warn them of the threat. Fortunately for Yam Yam and her babies, they are safe at the zoo and don’t face any threats from predators.
Zoo Miami Source: Zoo Miami

If you would like to see Yam Yam and the other meerkats at Zoo Miami, you can do so via a live stream. The zoo partnered up with Earth Cam to keep those interested up-to-date with the meerkats and their progress.
Zoo Miami Source: Zoo Miami

Aside from video, the zoo has taken several photos of the meerkats and shared them through social media. So though we might not be able to see these cuties in person, we can still admire them from a safe distance.

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Sources: Shareably, NBC Miami 6
