Parents ask grandpa to babysit only to get texts that have them laughing out loud

Children who grow up with kind grandparents are extremely fortunate. After all, a grandmother or grandfather can be the most wonderful person in the world. They’re always giving out hugs, lovely words, and plenty of sweets.

It is a huge blessing to the moms and dads when the grandparents are also involved in the lives of their children.

Unsplash - Johnny Cohen Source: Unsplash - Johnny Cohen

It’s a tremendous plus when they help with things like babysitting as well, not only to help mold them into being kind people.

Stephanie Waterhouse and her husband are lucky that their boy has a wonderful grandfather.

A grandpa who is also willing to babysit overnight.

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

When the couple left the town, they are at peace knowing that baby Ty would be in good care with his “Pawpaw.”

But, while on vacation, they began receiving amusing text messages with photos from back home.

Stephanie decided to share them with the rest of the world, and now the internet is enjoying its antics!

Unsplash - Yura Fresh Source: Unsplash - Yura Fresh

The Waterhouses is a family of military training and exposure. So there’s a streak of discipline running through their veins.

They aren’t but the type of folks who are rigid and strict. As we all see, not a single trace of it.

Stephanie requested her father, David, to stay with their eight-month-old baby while they went on a trip.

Pexels - Ketut Subiyanto Source: Pexels - Ketut Subiyanto

David (called Pawpaw) accepted the babysitting job enthusiastically.

He flew up from Dallas, Texas to be with his grandson Ty.

What the couple didn’t realize was that he’d prepared a humorous surprise for them to enjoy during their journey.

Unsplash - Artturi Jalli Source: Unsplash - Artturi Jalli

Stephanie claims that her father isn’t particularly tech-savvy. She told GMA that he still uses a flip phone that doesn’t allow him to access the internet.

As a result, when David wanted to give his daughter exciting images of her kid Ty, he had to think outside the box!

“Memes by Pawpaw” is sure to make you laugh.

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

From the grandpa’s flip phone, the couple began receiving amusing images.

Ty is lying next to a witty message written on a sheet of paper.

David must have put quite a lot of effort into planning and rehearsing for this moment!

Because he was scared he wouldn’t be able to use the family printer. He created the messages on his computer before leaving.

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

One of them had the following text:

“Dad and Mom – I met a girl. Grandpa said that Godfather Danny would be proud. Love Ty”

How can you not be impressed by how inventive this is? Plus, the fact that he used printed papers is adorable.

It’s hilarious when the old meets the new!

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

David doesn’t have a Facebook page, and according to his daughter, he has no idea what a meme is. He is, however, obviously capable of building his own from scratch!

Pawpaw even forwarded a question from Ty to the parents for them to consider while on their trip.

“Dad and Mom – We looked at Jeeps today. Can I get a license early? I liked the red one. Love Ty”

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Even though he doesn’t appear to be especially “tech-savvy,” David has an outstanding past.

Stephanie told GMA:

“My dad is a recently retired Dallas Police Officer. He was actually the person who created the database that tracked information for the Dallas Police Department. The FBI took his idea and modeled one of their national databases after the one he created.”

Ty is now a healthy boy learning arts and crafts with his parents and getting exposed to random outdoor activities.

Grandparents can be some of the most wonderful individuals on the planet. When do they not bring a broad smile to our faces?

Watch the video below to learn more about this hilarious story!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family!

Sources: YouTube – Good Morning America, GMA, Facebook – Steff Casa de Aqua
