Pit Bull rescued from kill-shelter senses boy’s sickness and goes right to him

Every four-footer deserves to have a home filled with love, attention, and warmth, but the reality is sadly different.

This adorable Pit Bull named Aladdin was severely neglected in his life and was placed in a kill-shelter.

Because he was mistreated, the poor Pittie was also completely malnourished when he arrived at the shelter and was missing no less than 12 teeth.

The Dodo (YouTube screenshot) Source: The Dodo (YouTube screenshot)

The poor pooch has some really severe orthopedic issues as well, and moving around is quite difficult for him.

He can’t run and walk like other dogs because the Pit Bull simply can’t bend his back legs anymore.

Luckily, he’s figured out a way to behave and move in order to get him from point A to point B and seems to be handling his condition just fine.

Aladdin was placed at a kill-shelter, but thankfully, he was adopted before his number was called.

The Dodo (YouTube screenshot) Source: The Dodo (YouTube screenshot)

When his soon-to-be mom, Michele, entered the shelter and met him for the very first time, she instantly fell in love with the adorable Pit Bull.

And the excitement was definitely mutual – Aladdin was wagging his tail the whole time, despite his medical condition.

Ever since Michele took him in, Aladdin has been doing a lot better.

In fact, after a year, he even became a certified therapy dog!

The Dodo (YouTube screenshot) Source: The Dodo (YouTube screenshot)

It turns out that Michele discovered Aladdin had quite a special ability: he is an empathic dog and seems to know when humans need a bit of emotional or mental support.

He can make a connection that only a dog can make, which makes him an ideal candidate to become a therapy dog.

For example, Aladdin visited a memorial shortly after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando.

The crowd was extremely large, but Aladdin wanted to go straight to the crowd to find a man. It turns out that the man in question actually needed some support to deal with his emotional pain.

He was present during the horrible shooting, something the Pit Bull couldn’t have possibly known.

The Dodo (YouTube screenshot) Source: The Dodo (YouTube screenshot)

“This dog looked at me and knew I needed him,” the man recalls.

It’s as if Aladdin felt that he needed support and that he wanted to head over there to help the man feel safe and more comfortable. Michele said that it was an absolutely touching and unforgettable moment.

Aladdin also helps victims of trauma, people battling drug addictions, and he also comforts abused animals as well.

The sweet Pit Bull even won the prestigious ‘Therapy Dog of The Year’ award, which is given out by the American Humane Association.

This award ended up changing Aladdin’s life in an amazing way. An audience member approached Michele, and it turned out he was a veterinarian.

The Dodo (YouTube screenshot) Source: The Dodo (YouTube screenshot)

He was touched by Aladdin’s story and offered to perform surgery on the dog, completely free of charge.

Aladdin would no longer have to deal with pain!

Unfortunately, mom says that not all reactions are as positive as this one, and it’s because of the breed stereotype.

A lot of people are still wary of pit bulls and will actively do their best to keep their distance or pull their kids away from them.

It definitely hurts, but Michele is trying her best to break the stereotype because Aladdin is absolutely great with kids!

The Dodo (YouTube screenshot) Source: The Dodo (YouTube screenshot)

In any case, thanks to Michele and the amazing vet, Aladdin still has a happy and joyful life ahead of him in a loving forever home.

He’s an absolutely amazing and special dog that will warm everyone’s heart.

Be sure to watch his touching story in the video below.

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Source: The Dodo
