Terrified parents realize pit bull dragged their baby out of a raging housefire by her diaper

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Sasha has been best friends with Masailah since they were both just days old. Of course, the dog was going to rescue the baby.
Sasha the pitbull puppy loves spending time with Masailah the human baby. The two were born just a few days apart.

As soon as Sasha could open her eyes and stumble around, she gravitated to Masailah.
Since then, Masailah has spent almost her entire life around Sasha. The baby’s mom, Latana, says that the dog goes into the baby’s bed every single day.
Sasha and Masailah even bathe together!

For eight months, the baby and the puppy discovered the world together.
But then something shocking happened.
One night, Latana woke up to hear Sasha barking like crazy.
The mother thought that the dog might be in danger. But in actuality, she and her family were the ones in danger.
Sasha was in the backyard. So Latana went downstairs to see what was wrong with the dog.
She went outside and saw that her neighbor’s home was ablaze. Even worse, the fire had started to spread onto Latana’s house.

Naturally, Latana wanted to get her family out of her home. But she noticed that Sasha had already run back inside.
Latana went inside the home and saw Sasha, with baby Masailah in her clutches.

“I ran into the room, and I see Sasha. She has my baby like, you know, by the diaper and just like dragging her off the bed.” – Latana Chai.
So not only had Sasha warned the mom of the fire, the dog had literally dragged the baby to safety.

Soon, the rest of Latana’s family were outside. Then the fire department showed up to put out the fire.
Luckily, everyone was safe and sound. If it weren’t for Sasha, that might not have been the case.

Naturally, Latana is incredibly grateful to Sasha for saving her and her family. In fact, from now on, Latana has decided to feed Sasha plenty of juicy steak!
This story then appeared on YouTube, where it soon made a major impact.
To date, it has gained over 340,000 views. It also has more than 300 likes. So Sasha has no way of knowing it, but people all over the world know that she’s a hero!
Stories like this show why more people need to adopt pit bulls. They have a bad reputation. But Sasha shows their true qualities.
Unfortunately, many people shun pit bulls. In fact, Animal People conducted a study that stated that only one in 600 pit bulls ever ends up finding a forever home.

The study also stated that 93% of pit bulls in shelters end up being euthanized because so few people want to adopt them.
Of course, like any other kind of dog, pit bulls need training. But Sasha shows what having a pit bull in the home is really like. They are not monsters. In fact, they’re amazing, loyal, friendly, and life-saving animals!
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Source: KCRA News, Save-A-Bull Rescue