Sheep discovers a trampoline and the hilarious video (unsurprisingly) goes viral

It’s pretty easy to understand why a lot of children want to have a trampoline in the backyard. It’s just such a simple concept, but at the same time, it’s incredibly fun too. Lots of childhood memories have a trampoline involved, because the feeling of jumping on it and feeling weightless for a swift moment is just incredibly unique, especially as a child.

Pawel Loj, Flickr Source: Pawel Loj, Flickr

However, it turns out that not only children are huge fans of trampolines – sometimes animals are as well.

Trampolines are a lot of fun, and it looks like this sheep wasn’t about the let the kids (or the adults) have all the fun. When the animal saw the weird-looking object sitting in the grass, she decided to take a closer look and investigate. This wasn’t scripted, doctored, or edited – this is just a pure and cute sight of a sheep on a trampoline.

Aww Network, YouTube screenshot Source: Aww Network, YouTube screenshot

What makes the whole thing even more wholesome, is a little child who is giggling and laughing all the way through.

Luckily, someone was able to capture the sheep’s moments on the trampoline for all of us to see. At first, you can see the sheep trying to figure out why she’s moving so weirdly on the trampoline, but it doesn’t take long before the excitement kicks in. Once the sheep knows what to do, she just keeps on bouncing and bouncing. It’s adorable to see a fluffball like this be so excited on a trampoline.

Aww Network, YouTube screenshot Source: Aww Network, YouTube screenshot

As for the little girl, she clearly couldn’t hold back as well – she’s mindlessly entertained by the sheep’s play session on the trampoline. Seeing a sheep jump up and down on a trampoline and having the time of its life, it’s clearly not something you see every single day.

Suddenly, the animal hears the girl giggling and turns its attention towards her.

Aww Network, YouTube screenshot Source: Aww Network, YouTube screenshot

After a quick look at the camera, the fluffy four-footer simply decides to keep on jumping! She clearly doesn’t mind an audience, in fact, it seems like she’s rather showing off. That trampoline must’ve been through a lot.

Moments pass, and it seems like the animal is finally tired and done jumping. Back on the grass, she still looks at the trampoline with big eyes and a lot of curiosity. It must’ve been a pretty crazy ride for her as well. Trampolines might make sense to us humans, but they’re definitely out of this world for sheep. Once her brainstorm was over, the sheep simply continued doing what she did best.

Aww Network, YouTube screenshot Source: Aww Network, YouTube screenshot

Of course, there were a couple of more jumps from the animal, and this time she didn’t even slow down.

Fun fact: the modern trampoline was actually specifically developed to train astronauts, and their inventors also saw use in them for different kinds of sports training. The first one was made at the University of Iowa, all the way back in 1934. Inventors Larry Griswold and George Nissen even came up with the game ‘Spaceball’, where all players stand on a large trampoline and try to hit targets on opposite sides of a wall.

Aww Network, YouTube screenshot Source: Aww Network, YouTube screenshot

Of course, the trampoline has been used for so much more than astronaut training and Spaceball. Almost every kid loves playing on it nowadays, and we know that at least one sheep adores it just as much.

Even though the video wasn’t seen by millions (yet), it has clearly captured a lot of hearts on the internet.

“This makes me unspeakably happy,” one viewer commented.

“This sheep is so chill and cute,” another added.

What an athletic and energetic sheep! Be sure to check out the amazing and adorable trampoline footage in the video below.

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Source: Aww Network (YouTube), Wikipedia
