Bus driver doesn’t think photo holding little boy’s hand is a big deal but the police do

As a parent, the first day of school for your child is nerve-wracking, so you can imagine how your little one feels. This is especially true when stepping into a school for the first time, and, for some preschool and kindergarten children, their journey begins aboard a school bus.

Fortunately, for one Wisconsin woman and her son, the school bus driver was there to save the day.

The first day of school

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When mom Amy Johnson took her son Axel to catch the bus for his first day of school, she said he looked fine. It wasn’t until he approached the bus that his fear showed through. And who could blame him? Buses are frightening when you approach them for the very first time, especially with all of the noise and exhaust they put out.

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Axel was set to begin a new journey as he was starting 4K, a pre-school class for students four and under. While not as demanding as regular kindergarten, the program is set in an elementary school setting designed to get young students ready for the real thing.

Capturing photos of Axel’s first day

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First, though, Johnson snapped a photo of her and Axel before putting him on the bus. And it is evident from his face in the photo that the worry is already beginning to creep in. As the bus turned the corner and approached them, Axel began to cry.

“He was super excited to go, but when the bus came around corner, he was really quiet. The bus opened the door and I looked at him and he started crying,” Johnson told CNN.

Axel’s fear starts to show

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As Johnson lifted her frightened little boy onto the bus, he clung to her tightly. Upon seeing Axel, bus driver Isabel Lane immediately felt sorry for him.

“I told him, ‘Buddy, you got this and will have so much fun,’” Lane said.

Johnson, meanwhile, tried two leave so that the bus could continue on its journey. Axel was having no part of it and kept grabbing for his mom. That was when Lane took action.

A helping hand

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“I stuck my hand behind the seat as maybe something else to grab onto and he grabbed my hand. I could see that he needed to be comforted and that was the best I could do at the time,” Lane said.

As Johnson hurried off the bus, she turned around to take one last photo. What she got was a picture that broke her heart while at the same time showing her that there were people in the world willing to step in when she couldn’t.

A photo of the sweet moment

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After Johnson shared the photo online it was spotted by the Augusta Police Department, which shared it on its Facebook page. People from around the world were touched by the photo. But according to Lane, it was just another part of her job.

“I didn’t think it was that big of a deal personally. It was just something I felt I should do. If you see someone struggling, just reach out a hand. You don’t have to say anything. But it can make a big difference in someone’s day,” Lane said.

Setting Axel’s mind at ease

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The bus driver and her new charge chatted as the bus drove away, and by the time they had reached the end of Axel’s street, he had stopped crying. As for Lane, she was happy that she could help Axel feel better.

“A big win for me is every morning I tell the kids as they get off to make it a good day and when I have a kid who I know doesn’t like to go to school say, ‘Yeah, I’ll try.’ It makes me feel good because they heard me and I hope it makes them feel like they can be heard,” Lane said.

CNN – Amy Johnson via CNN Source: CNN – Amy Johnson via CNN

As for Axel now, his mom says that he gets on the school bus every day and absolutely loves going to school. In part, this is all thanks to Lane who took the time out of her job as a bus driver to help one of her riders in need.

You can learn more about this touching story in the video below!

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Source: BRProud News – NBC Local 33 / Fox44, CNN, Upworthy
