3-day-old baby horse chases owner around pen

You might have seen a miniature once at a petting zoo or carnival. When you see them for the first time it’s hard to believe they’re real. For them to be an actual “mini” horse they have to be 3ft or shorter and with those little legs, it’s hard not to adore them.

Miniature horses have been very popular all throughout history and continue to be a classic farm addition or pet.

Flickr/Racira Source: Flickr/Racira

Actually, in the 19th century, Empress Eugenie, wife of French emperor Napolean III owned a mini horse who even played with their children inside the palace. How’s that for a fun fact! Miniature horses also live up to one-third longer than your average-sized horse. So you’re able to make plenty of memories together.

In this precious video, you’ll see a much more modern owner rather than the 19th century Empress.

YouTube/Animal Guy Source: YouTube/Animal Guy

Just your average guy in a tank top and flip flops enjoying ranch time with his sweet little friend. This mini horse is only 3 days old, explaining the fact that he is so very small. You might even have to take a few double-takes to make sure it’s a real horse and not a toy.

This mini horse is in no place to have a human ride him but he sure is ready to run.

YouTube/Animal Guy Source: YouTube/Animal Guy

Although this cute little foal is only 3 days old he’s got plenty of running to do and that includes chasing his new owner. The mini horse is barely the height of the man’s knee and the sweet baby horse is even cuter than you could imagine. As these two play chase in the sand, the man can’t contain his excitement as he wears a big smile on his face.

Can you imagine being chased by a tiny little horse and what a blast it would be?

YouTube/Animal Guy Source: YouTube/Animal Guy

This means having the time of his life and the 3-day old mini horse adores his new playing pal. You can even hear the woman recording the video laughing and saying

“I’ve never seen anything like that!”

YouTube/Animal Guy Source: YouTube/Animal Guy

She definitely must be talking about how at just 3-years-old this mini horse is running like the wind with her new friend. The woman recording even assures the momma mini horse Grace that it’s okay as she watches her baby speed after the man.

Miniature horses although bigger than your average dog or cat make perfect pets.

Flickr Image Source: Flickr Image

Mini horses can also be trained to be emotional support animals too! How amazing is that? We can’t get over the mini horse cuteness. Once you watch this video you’ll be thinking of any way to make a spacious ranch to get a mini horse for yourself. This guy is one lucky man to get to play with this sweet little horse. For now, we’ll just be wishing one day we can play chase with a mini horse.

You won’t want to miss just how adorable this video is. Watch the video below to get your miniature horse fix!

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Source: AnimalChannelCo, Animal Guy, Town and Country Mag
