Tutorial shows how to easily take paper snowflakes to a whole new level

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

There’s something charming about paper snowflakes. But if you want to make yours look amazing, then just follow this tutorial.

The paper snowflake can be found in schools and homes across the world in winter.

Wikipedia Source: Wikipedia

One of the most fun things about paper snowflakes is that they come in all shapes and sizes.

But what if you’re bored of simple paper snowflakes being stuck in your windows? Then it’s time to take things up a notch. And making beautiful looking paper snowflakes is a lot easier than it seems.

To begin, you need 6 squares of paper. The squares can be any size you want!

The first step is to fold the paper into a triangle by folding one corner onto its opposite corner.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

Then you have to fold it again by bringing the other two corners together, so it makes another triangle.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

After that, you get a ruler and draw five lines across the triangle, evenly spaced apart. But if you want to make more lines than five, you can. (Also, the lines in the video are drawn on with a lot of pencil, but it’s better to draw lighter lines. The heavy lines are just for the demonstration.)

Then cut down the lines until you reach near the end of the paper (the end should be the part where the paper won’t fold open.) Leave a bit after the end of the line uncut.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

Do this to the five other squares of paper.

Then open a paper square out. Add glue one of the pointy spikes of paper at the center of the square, and then roll the other pointy spike over the glued spike. You can use a pencil to help make the spikes glue together in a nice circle.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

Then get the next two spikes beyond the center and do the same thing, but fold them the other way (i.e. behind the first tube you’ve made.)

Do the same with all the rest of the spikes, alternating the sides that you fold them.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

Do that to the other six squares of paper.

To make the final snowflake, glue the endpoints of each cut piece of paper and stick them together.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

You’ll end up with a snowflake that looks incredibly elaborate. No one will believe that it was this easy to make!

The only thing left is to hang your snowflakes where you want them. You can experiment with different sizes, amount of cuts and colors of paper to your heart’s content.

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

If you have any leftover wrapping paper, then this sure beats throwing it out or losing it in the attic!

This tutorial has become a hit online. Since it was uploaded to YouTube, it has gained almost three million views. It also has over 2,800 likes and dozens of comments. People have been saying things like this:

Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube Source: Yoyomax12 - the diet free zone/YouTube

When your houseguests see these, they’ll think that you have the skills to be a professional designer.

That leaves you with a choice: either you can come clean on how easy they are to make, or you can lie and say that they took years of practice and perfecting.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: yoyomax12 – the diet free zone
