Weatherman and adoption dog’s hilarious on-air scene gets the dog adopted the very next day

Many news stations like to feature dogs up for adoption as a part of the various news segments. This has led to some funny videos as sometimes the dogs will misbehave in front of the camera. But, don’t blame the dogs, they are just trying to get through life. One dog, named Ripple could not help himself as he was brought on camera for an Adopt-a-Pet segment with weatherman Mike Sobel of Global News in Canada.

Ripple makes his TV debut

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The joint adoption and weather segment starts innocently enough as Sobel starts doing his weathercast. By his side, Ripple struggles with his leash, biting it with his teeth. Before too long Sobel is struggling to control Ripple while talking about the day’s weather. Ripple even tries to drag him off-camera at one point.

Ripple has a mega personality

YouTube/Global News Source: YouTube/Global News

In the background, you can hear Sobel’s fellow newscasters laughing hysterically. Sobel puts his best foot forward and continues to do his best to deliver the weather to his viewers. You can tell its an effort by his heavy breathing. Deep down inside you know he has to have regrets for including the dog as a part of the weather segment, but he knows it is for a good cause.

All Ripple wants to do is chew on his leash

YouTube/Global News Source: YouTube/Global News

For his part, Ripple doesn’t give a hoot about the weather. He is intent on chewing on his leash, which looks like it is made of some type of nylon material. Eventually, Sobel tries to speed up the segment, talking quickly as Ripple continues to struggle against him.

“Ok, we gotta’ move quickly through this here,” he even comments at one point.

A tug-of-war ensues

YouTube/Global News Source: YouTube/Global News

At about this time the leash, which Ripple has been chewing on continuously throughout the segment, breaks. The studio them erupts into laughter. Sobel can’t help but laugh at the new set of circumstances. Out of breath from his struggles, Sobel holds the end of the leash up in the air.

YouTube/Global News Source: YouTube/Global News

At this point, Ripple jumps up and tries to grab the broken end of the leash and the weatherman and dog get into a brief tug-of-war. All the while, everyone else in the studio can’t help but laugh and marvel at Ripple’s huge personality.

Ripple finds a new home

Global News Source: Global News

Ripple’s appearance on the weather segment must have worked as a couple contacted the Humane Society, which had sent Ripple to be on the show, asking to adopt him the next day. Now, Ripple is living in his forever home with his new family.

“We fell in love with him as soon as we saw him,” said Ripple’s new mom.

“We are excited,” added Ripple’s dad. “We saw Ripple on TV and we had a dog that passed away this summer that was a Great Dane-Mastiff cross very much like Ripple except a lot bigger.”

Check out Ripple’s hilarious appearance on Global News Weather with Mike Sobel in the video below.

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Source: Global News
