People can’t seem to get enough of Frederik, the world’s most beautiful horse

Horses are majestic creatures but can one really blow you away with its beauty?

Well, if Frederik the Great can’t, then you’re out of luck because he is, unofficially, “the world’s most handsome horse.”

His luscious locks alone are a sight to behold (and jealousy-inducing!)

Frederik the Great/Facebook Source: Frederik the Great/Facebook

Frederik the Great is a Friesian stallion who was brought to the U.S. from The Netherlands when he was just 6 years old. He lives on a farm called Pinnacle Friesians in Arkansas’s Ozark Mountains.

Frederik the Great/Facebook Source: Frederik the Great/Facebook

His owner, Stacy Nazario, now manages the celebrity horse full time. In 2016, the New York Times reported that between appearances, photoshoots, and advertisements the horse brings in about $20,000 a month.

Frederik’s main job is to look good all the time. In fact, he was brought to the U.S. as a stud horse to help improve the Friesian breed and had sired 15 horses as of 2016.

He attends horse shows not to compete, but just to be gazed upon as both a spectacular specimen and Internet celebrity.

Frederik the Great/Facebook Source: Frederik the Great/Facebook

Frederik has been referred to as “the Kardashian of horses.” We assume that’s a compliment – or at least not meant as an insult.

If you’re looking to get a perfect mane like Frederik’s, just know it takes some effort.

Nazario told ABC News:

“It usually takes about three hours. To wash his mane, to condition his mane, to dry his mane.”

Frederik the Great/Facebook Source: Frederik the Great/Facebook

And what does Frederik do when he’s not being pampered (he gets deep tissue massages from his owner) and fawned over? Eat, rest, and stare at deer on the farm.

What a life!

Frederik the Great/Facebook Source: Frederik the Great/Facebook

With over 94k followers on Facebook, over 26k subscribers (and tens of millions views) on YouTube people are content to just stare at this horse.

In fact, a video in which Frederik pretty much just struts around to music has over 10 million views alone earning worshipping comments from all over the world.

“If I were walking and happened upon this horse, my instinct I think, would be to just bow down in worship – such is the power of its beauty. Wow,” said one person.

Frederik the Great/Facebook Source: Frederik the Great/Facebook

He’s even appeared on The Colbert Late Show where he made the comedian and talk show host second guess his lifelong commitment.

While it’s been around a year since Frederik has updated his fans on social media, that hasn’t kept his old videos and photos from going viral over and over again, earning this real-life Black Beauty tens of thousands of new fans every time. Last we heard, Frederik was filming his own movie, but that has yet to come out.

Believe it or not, the Friesian breed has almost gone extinct a number of times but their numbers are rebounding and since the horse is so majestic in general, they are popular in films and ad campaigns and are now being used in dressage as well.

Be sure to scroll down to see the horse – and his hair – in action.

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Source: New York Times, ABC News, Frederik the Great via Facebook, Frederik the Great via YouTube
